December 2, 2011

Things I LOVE about Mexico

Here is a working list of things I am in love with here in Mexico. I hope to see some of your favorites here too!

  • Buenas tardes, buen provecho, etc Why couldn't everyone be this courteous at home? People don't avoid making eye contact with strangers here (ok well not all the time). It makes me feel a teensy bit less isolated to know that someone took the time out of their day to greet me.
  • Siestas I don't know how we always manage to leave the house during siesta when everything is closed, but I love it! Nathan and I are going to start a business in the states just so us and all our employees can shut down, relax and recharge mid-way through the day. I think everyone would be 50% more productive if they took a nap!
  • Mercados They're so lively and colorful! Who cares if that tomato fell on the ground - c'mon guys there's nothing wrong with it!!
  • Plazas They are so relaxing and great for people watching! You could easily sit in a plaza for the entire day and nobody would look at you weird - as if you are lazy or dangerous for some reason. 
  • The noise! Marching bands, fiestas, processions, church bells, the camote man in front of our house, laughing children, honking cars, bleating goats and (of course) the many firecracker/rocket/grenade launches at all hours of the morning, day or night. I feel that there is always someone about or something happening! The atmosphere feels incredibly non-sterile with all the social interaction and events. 
  • Food I really needn't say more. 
  • Tequila and Fresca - or tequila with aguas..stepping away from my microbrew love affair has given me great perspective, as well a lighter stomach :)
  • Not feeling guilty for not recycling or using styrofoam Ok, for those who know me, this is completely against my core and I think is still difficult to explain to myself. However, I will attempt it for you. Of course we try to do what we can: bring our own bags, reuse, compost, etc. But spending energy lamenting the situation here is absolutely pointless for me. There are so many more pressing problems of poverty, corruption, inefficient bureaucracy, etc. Plus, who am I, some young gringa from another country, to make a fuss? So, I just have to let it go right now. And I feel that a terrible negativity and guilt has been lifted. Thank you Mexico for making me feel responsible for only myself and not the world.
  • Last but not least - Idiosyncrasies The marching bands are almost reliably out of tune, the fancy bars blasting 80's pop music from the US, the billboard advertising "2 por 1.5" pizzas, the unpredictability/lack of punctuality, pestering street vendors, the free 2 band-stand concert lasting all night on a Wednesday night..gosh I could go on and on! These things make me smile because I know that back at home they would be abrasive, annoying or just plain weird; but here it is ok. I can sit back and enjoy it. My conditioned responses to things have flown out the window or are still flying I should say.. 

This is another example of an idiosyncrasy:
 I bet that was really annoying.
This was the ending of a long parade celebrating the 101st Anniversary of the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. The parade was awesome, but at the end of the parade there was a 10 minute long procession of firetrucks, police cars and ambulances all blaring their sirens together - just feet from the crowd. Another wonderful example of Mexico's idiosyncrasies.

Tell me what you love!


  1. Nice list :)

    Yunno, holes in the sidewalk without any signs are kinda neat. You're expected to know not to fall into them; no sign required.

  2. Yikes! I haven't experienced that one, but I certainly believe it! Signs are not always abundant around here when needed. On the other hand, I HAVE learned to pick my feet up higher on these cobble streets!
