December 13, 2011

The Most Amazing Celebration Ever!!

On December 8th the entire town celebrated El Día de La Señora de Nuestra Salud. And I mean the WHOLE town. It was so amazing that I devoted an entire page to it, which you can find here:  La Festival de la Senora

Nathan and I agreed that this was by far the best celebration we've been to. It even surpassed Día de los Muertos. This, I know, is quite incredulous. However, I have no doubt it was better. This was a celebration, not a festival catered to the tourists. In fact, there were not any tourists beyond the other gringos that live here. It felt so much MORE heart felt and authentic than anything else I have experienced here. Part of the reason for this is that it brought so many different types of people together. The poor and wealthy, indigenous and mestizos all came to worship together. It is extremely uncommon to see that around here..the two social classes do not mix on equal footing.

Everyone seemed very joyous and incredibly reverent during the many Mass ceremonies that occurred throughout the day. I can´t imagine there was a person who didn´t come to one..

I tried to put up as many photos as possible without over doing it and unfortunately, I lost the videos that I took. Nevertheless, you´ll see things that you probably haven´t seen at other festivals before...enjoy!

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